Jake Kettinger's Home Page


Home Page
Research (You Are Here)
Office: 208 Weber Hall, Email: jkett@colostate.edu, Schedule
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11-12, Wednesdays 12-1
Yours Truly
Figure 1-Yours Truly

Figure 2-Come visit me at Weber!

Welcome to my Research page! I am an algebraic geometer doing research on geproci configurations of points in projective space, unexpected varieties, superabundance of varieties, and fields of positive characteristic with my advisor Brian Harbourne. I have found new configurations of geproci sets of a kind that does not exist in characteristic 0, and I have also studied quasi-elliptic fibrations, which exist only in characteristics 2 and 3.

A set of points in ℙ3 is geproci (/ʤəˈproʧi/) if a general projection of those points into a general plane is a complete intersection of two curves in ℙ2. (Geproci comes from "GEneral PROjection is a Complete Intersection.")

Right now I am particularly interested in recent work of Chiantini, Farnik, Favacchio, Harbourne, Migliore, Szemberg, and Szpond. I have also been looking at the Lefschetz properties and the containment problem.

Here's a list of papers I've (co)authored.

Here's a page of talks I've given.

Here's a page of some of my expository papers and notes.

I also like to have fun at conferences!